High Converting Fashion Facebook Ad Examples

Fashion has always been one of the fastest-growing eCommerce industries. Way brands accept been using Facebook ads to increment their sales, customer loyalty, and repeat purchases.

Mtv Style Film GIF by Paramount Movies

Present, the competition became more fierce. How can your mode brand's Facebook ads stand out from the crowd? In the sea of millions of Facebook ads running, it'south a must to stand out from the oversupply to bulldoze sales.

At K6, we alive & breathe Facebook ads. And, if you lot want more solid Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram ads examples beyond this commodity, I suggest you check out our other articles:

  • 15 Inspiring Instagram Advertizing Examples 2021
  • 54 Best LinkedIn Advertisement Examples You'll Want To Steal in 2021
  • 20 Twitter Advertising Examples To Inspire Y'all
  • 99 Facebook Ad Examples Yous'll Want To Steal in 2021

In this article, I'll embrace the best ad formats that will drive insane results for your Facebook ads game – particularly for fashion. We have been able to take a lot of Facebook ads business relationship from depression ROAS to strong ROAS past using some tips and tricks included in this article. Let's get, we'll let you in on a few secrets!

Our best tips to improve Facebook ads results

In this article, we'll cover our 6 all-time tips to better your fashion Facebook ads results. Those ads have been converting extremely well for our clients in the fashion industry over and once more. It'southward about fourth dimension you pick the right ads to start scaling!

Why K6 tin can help you calibration your Facebook ads?

With more than $1M spent on Facebook ads, nosotros truly sympathize what it takes to create Facebook ads that evangelize results. We've had many challenging Facebook ads account that we've been able to take from negative profits to positive profits quite rapidly.

We want to share with others our best tips to improve their results in the hopes that they then accept action. Seeing that we teach bringing results is the best way of proving that we are legitimate. Nosotros are confident that past applying these fashion Facebook ads tips, your results are bound to increase rapidly.

From $100 to almost $5k per day

I'll also add together that in that location is no ane strategy that will work for every mode brand out there. I recommend you evaluate every proffer to compare it to the Facebook ads tests already made and your brand. At that place are a lot of factors affecting what volition work all-time for your brand and it'due south why you should evaluate everything strategically.

Your make can accept strong brand awareness, a lot of social proof or maybe even the timing isn't correct to start your campaign. Your website also plays a huge role in delivering strong results for your manner brands. It's why we always recommend our clients to talk to our CRO agency to increase their conversion rates. Facebook ads can bring adept traffic, but your website does the rest.

All the same, there are a few Facebook ad formats we found were working amazingly well for mode brands. Those ad formats are easy to use and set up. If y'all have a fashion or article of clothing make, I urge you to examination them out & encounter how your Facebook ads account reacts.

Fashion ads tip #1 – DPA Facebook ads retargeting

Nosotros love Facebook DPA for Facebook ads retargeting because they simply drive some amazing results for our clients. It'due south not uncommon to see some of our clients generate a return of 800% on their retargeting ad campaign.

There are different scenarios in which using a Facebook DPA can piece of work out amazingly for fashion brands. We ever recommend our clients to start with a simple reminder that people visited your site merely didn't buy. If after a few days, they notwithstanding didn't purchase, yous tin can target them past showing a discount code in your ad copy of five% or 10%.

Hither's how your advertizing will look like. The reason why the images are all similar is that they appear dynamically based on what the user has seen on your website. If they saw a certain production, then they'll the same one again.

Fashion Facebook ad
Facebook DPA

In the same fashion, you can likewise create what we call Facebook carousel ads for mode – which work wonders. There are multiple ways to utilize it, hither are a few:

  • Store the look: show the outfit in the first prototype and the individual items independent in the outfit. Make sure you add the corresponding website link of all the products.
  • Drove: multiple products in the same collection. Information technology tin can exist a bunch of sweaters, pants or a new collection.
  • Production: showing a production worn in many different scenarios, colours or with unlike way accessories.

If yous need more than info on how to ready your Facebook DPA retargeting advertising, I highly recommend this guide by Facebook.

Mode ads tip #two – Movement design & Facebook ads video

For some fashion brands, images are working extremely well but video & motion pattern could work even better. The way nosotros see it at K6 is that each medium has its ain purpose.

Video & motion design content tends to exist a groovy way to attract new customers who might need to be entertained initially. On the other hand, images are dandy to retarget people who already know your fashion make.

Hither are a few video & move design Facebook ads ideas we found working well at K6:

  • Showing styles based on the context such as what to article of clothing "at a job interview", "in summer" or "when going to work". You can also bear witness combinations of clothing detail from your make that await keen together.
  • A motion design of one of your model wearing a clothing item with the colour changing but not the model. The concept here is to only alter i chemical element on the image and continue everything else similar.
  • A video of your model wearing a complete outfit during a social event, date, etc.

Another reward of running motion blueprint or video ads is to create a Facebook custom audience to retarget the viewers. Since you'll most probable get a lot of viewers, your retargeting will be pretty big which should boost your results.

Fashion ads tip #three – Influencers Facebook ads

Equally about fashion brands know, a lot of people decide what to wear based on what celebrities or influencers wear. With that in mind, it's e'er an reward to leverage influencers & celebrities in your Facebook ads campaigns. Hither's an example where Fashion Nova has used Cardi B.

We usually recommend to take your best selling products or new wearable line and get some influencers and celebrities to take pictures with them. Y'all can then take the images and utilise them inside our Facebook ads artistic to boost the results. We do this by targeting people who know the celebrity or influencer or have interests related to them.

Mode ads tip #4 – Leverage UGC content

Following our tip of using celebrities and influencers, we as well recommend using user-generated content. While those pictures of your customers don't concur the influence power of influencers, they even so influence greatly others. Information technology can add together some social proof to your product and brand your customers more confident in their purchase.

Fashion Facebook ads
UGC content

Most frequently, customers want to see how the clothing fits in real life on a real person and this does the task. You tin find UGC content by looking at the pictures your make was tagged in social media. On a side notation, we ever recommend request for the permission of the user in question to utilise the picture.

Fashion ads tip #v – Lifestyle photography

Lifestyle photography is ane of the near used types of Facebook image ads. With such images, you tin can really make your product shine in its best situation. Information technology'south also a great style of giving ideas to your customer of how he could wear the product you are trying to sell.

Fashion Facebook ads
Lifestyle photography for Facebook ads

Here are a few tips from our Facebook ads squad at K6:

  • Make the scene tell a story
  • Have a clear mode to permit others recognize themselves
  • Don't have as well much action, focus on the product
  • Focus on 1 product at a time

Fashion ads tip #6 – Collection advertizing formats

Facebook collection ads are quite sexy when they announced on your feed. If you have a new collection or accept a fashion collection that people love, then running such a Facebook advertizing campaign can really help your company.

It somewhat looks like a small landing folio of products that are powered by Facebook Instant Feel ads. To give you an idea, the Facebook ad would have a video on superlative and a few products in a carousel format at the bottom. When people click on the ad, a small landing page will open beneath on Facebook with all the products.

facebook ads for clothing brand
Facebook Instant Experience

Demand aid for your Fashion Facebook ads?

At K6, we've seen a lot of companies grow really well using Facebook & Instagram ads. Adding those to your digital advertising strategy can play a big part in the growth of your make.

We recommend lastly that you ready up your tracking correctly before running whatever Facebook ads. This means pixel and Google Analytics. By doing that, yous'll brand sure you know how much money you are making from your advertising spend.

If you need assist with your Facebook ads, even merely a petty consulting boost, don't hesitate to reach out. We'd love to assist!

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